About us

About us

We believe in adding in the little things that make a house a home

Renome is the name you can trust to refine and renovate you home. We believe in adding in the little things that make a house a home.
That’s Renome

We specialise in crafting furniture that lasts for generations. We keep in mind that the furniture design should seamlessly blend in with your version of your dream home. To achieve this feat our masterful artisans and craftsman put their refined skill in framing furniture. We put all our design capabilities in our work.

All our designs are created principally to help those who will use it. We thoroughly test all our designs and furniture to make sure they are not causing any unintended inconveniences. Our furniture will fit to your needs in any setting you are looking for. Be it office, homes, or any commercial setting, Renome furniture will help you set the right tones.

What do we do?

We specialise in crafting furniture that lasts for generations. We keep in mind that the furniture design should seamlessly blend in with your version of your dream home.

Our Mission

We are set on a journey to lift the standards of furniture in Pakistan. We want to end the struggle of going to the bazaar and getting into the headache of visiting tens of shops to make up your mind on what to buy. And it’s a significant risk when all you have is the shop owners word on the quality of what your buying. We aim to end that risk through customer reviews, so you can know for sure, what to trust. So join us on this journey, and together let us make our houses more welcoming.

Why us?

You will find with us a uniqueness, that is missing in the market. Renome furniture will help you make the most of your house. Our furniture makes the best use of space possible because we understand that furniture is there to complement a room, not overwhelm it.

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